Wow, it took me so long to remember my password hahahahah
but i got it, i just wanted to log on for the first time in maybe even a whole year to say thanks to all you guys.
While I haven't been as in to the community as I used to be, you would be hard pressed to find a week where i didn't play a substantial amount of ea skate.
I remember when everything was going to hell, the reel was even more faulty than usual (if possible), people stopped playing, it felt like the end of the community.
But it wasnt.
you guys have stuck around and posted amazing parks, videos, threads, and the like. I am really thankful that we have a community like we do. it may not be in the thousands or even tens of thousands like other games, we may not even be in the hundreds. but you guys have really made me feel proud to be able to come to this forum and consistently find awesome new parks to download or videos to watch.
so yeah, thanks for keeping this game a pleasure to play.