The Am Series is a series of videos which showcases the talent of the randoms and unknowns in the fakeskate community. I figured that some of the new people don't have good editing software, don't know how to edit, or just want to get some exposure in the community. So, if you want to have an edit, here are some guidelines.
-You can't be well known in the community (wether you are or not will ultimately be decided by me)
-You should pm me your clips, either on Lb or Fluckit in a zip folder, either flv or mp4 format using a megaupload or a mediafire link.
-You should have at least 45 seconds of footage
-Hero shots and B-rolls, while not mandatory are reccomended
-Along with your PM and link to clips, I also want to know how long you've been fakeskating, and which, if any teams you are on
Now that you have the guidelines, let me show you the promo for the series