I welcome all criticism, if you think this is stupid as hell, just tell me.
If you feel like sending me your hall of meat clips for future videos, I welcome that as well.
Just make sure they're good. 'but derk, your bail was stupid and i've done way better and you cut mine out!'
We've all seen and done thousands of 'em, we all can tell what a dumb bail looks like!
If this does catch a few people's interest and they start sending me clips, I won't make a new thread each time, just post the new video in this thread, it'll save time and money, everybody wins...I think.
Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IebBHORBL_Q
"Jebo was looking forward to annihilating this rail, but little he did know that fate had a different idea on the outcome."
Original Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKd6eNUF35g
- Only send me one clip, but two versions of it, one with 100% speed and the other with 30%.
(I realized some of your guy's connections won't allow for 10+ second clips so if the 30% just won't upload because of ea, you can just ramp a bit before your bail up until a bit after to knock it down a couple seconds.)
- Leave the converting to me, just send me the .flvs
- Don't send me some bogus every day bail, if you just run into a wall or clothesline yourself on purpose, i'm not going to use it, the purpose of this is to showcase the extraordinary bails, not the dime a dozen ones.
- Please have a good perspective on filming, i'm sure 98% of us do by now. I just won't be using your clip if you use the follow cam or tripod, your advanced free cam doesn't even have to be perfect, hell mine still isn't.
- Once you're ready to send me your clips, just give me a personal message with a link to them.