So I was randomly browsing the threads a few minutes ago when a thought occurred.

Why not have some friendly competition?

I'm sure most of you have heard of the Transworld Skate & Create contest...I figured we could bring that to fakeskating. Also, most of the competitions that happen around here are individually based, I thought we could get a team aspect into a competition setting.

I'm gonna say here are the rules:

  • 4 teams
  • Each team gets a premade warehouse (too keep the size even of the parks) to build whatever themed park they want inside.
  • Each team films a 3-5 minute edit there
  • 1 editor from each team will produce a themed edit for their park they made
  • Will open a voting thread that will stay open for a week to judge each teams video
  • Team with the most votes wins

There might be prizes involved if this gets enough hype.

This is mostly just a thread to get some thoughts about this for right now. Nothing officially official.

Are you guys down?
