VIMEO LINK !!! Thanks Deacon !
Thanks for everyone who sent me clips...i apologize leaving some clips out but i had to keep it in max.10 clips per each not to make it too big.
Anyways it came out almost 8 minutes long so i hope you take your time to watch it all.
Skaters in order of appearance; Yumpancakes, Wiltzuh, Somedude, Reserrved, Poppinsuds, Ay Platypus, NotedDerk, Noodlezer, Luftwaffe, InsideManager, Hitman, Echoturbo, DuMularn, Briden, Bannerboy and Boxerman.
Order was supposed to be in reversed alphabetical order but in last minute i received clips from Boxerman so he got the last seconds.
Enjoy and keep up for new promo recruits soon !