Quote Originally Posted by FullyFl4RED00 View Post
Why do u make post like this? Lol either finish the park and post it right or dont post at all! Moreover, can u not test it urself you have thumbs right? Regarding the handrails we dont have a lot of choices so i dont think people are going to be bummed on them. Just finish the park and post with link silly it looks good
completely agreed, why waste everyone's time and yours viewing this thread..Every single park builder runs into cap block but that doesnt mean make a thread about it everytime it happens. If we all did that, i'd have to make 16 threads at this moment lol. Anyway looks pretty good just from the pics it looks cramped alil or a little vague after you land add some scenery. Even if you dont use it skate it'll make it look and feel more realistic

And test out more color options, its looks too grey