got no Order

1. The Warriors (PS2) robbin People and smashin Police Cars is just pure fun
2. Battlefield 3 (PS3) dont play a lot anymore, cause of so much annoying fags, been at lvl 92 though. may it gets interesting again in sept. when new dlc with bigger Maps drops
3. Fifa 98 (N64) i think that was my first game, played it to death with my brother
4. Peggles (PC) just a funny little stoner game
5. GTA San Andreas (PS2) Hands down, best one in the series
6. THPS 2 (N64) didnt had a Playstation till Skate came out, so i bought for Nintendo. Ollie over the Bums was hella fun though
7. Modern Warfare 2 (PS3) first shooter i got for console. Never thought shooters can be fun on console.
8. Mario Kart (N64) do i have to say more?
9. THUG (PS2) Best one of the series imo
10. Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PS3) cant wait till the ATV`s come for BF3 with the next DLC

i think i didnt own a lot more games anyway. wasnt that much into gaming till Skate came out and i bought my Playstation...