Was about to post it here too, but you beat me to it! Saw it was unlisted as well so I figured maybe it's not on fluckit yet haha video is insane though. As much as I hate Nike as a company, the riders and Jason Hernandez can make some of the sickest videos fosho. Never saw a part from Piscopo but holy shit I'm already a fan of his skating. Nice opening part. Theotis was dope too, classic double flip variations. His ender was insane, but he used that spot already for another ender in his part (can't remember which part, but it was a kick bs 5.0). Sick Daryl part too, mofo's got pop as fuck to pop that dumpster haha. Luan; insane long techy clean lines and crazy as fuck single tricks, always popping so high. Crazy fuckin ender too, goddamn, got the sickest bag of tricks too… Justin Brock has the gnarliest part fosho, crazy tricks and gaps, messed up ender. Sick intro to Shane's part, haha! He's another crazy tech mofo that just floats through messed up techy-as-fuck lines. Holy fucking fuck fuck shit he's just too good though, whole other level of ledge wizardry. Ishod = SOTY material, enough said.

Quote Originally Posted by Granka View Post
No way though that I'm getting that shitty app
You got that right! haha