Haven't been on in a while, so here's a short edit. Hope you enjoy if not its alright.
Haven't been on in a while, so here's a short edit. Hope you enjoy if not its alright.
really sick dude back noseblunt was sooooo nice
The blunt on the red pipe thing was gnarly and so was the ender!
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/byounsk8
PSN: GhettoSk8aBoi
DEVD STCK Collective
Gorilla Kult SB
Regs skate shop
Lb Mag: http://issuu.com/bladderboy/docs
Great vid, blunt at 0:15 was sick, also liked 0:26
this is fucking tight
Raddddddd. This was good man. Loved the ender.
super everything..
Last edited by DaaGooN; 04-13-2014 at 02:32 PM.
Ask me Anything, I live in the Future. Just don't ask me about the Rhinoceros!!!
"The most dangerous creature on the face of the Earth, is an educated idiot."
it needs to be longer, loved the filming on the LongLens like always
little zooms on the ramps/slomos are rad looking
nice one dude ..... where is the spot at0.28 ?
dude your style! every trick was just textbook perfection, really enjoyed this man
dam ungrindables and perfect landings. good stuff
Was great, some sweet tricks.