Quote Originally Posted by Antwan View Post
I just hate the news, it's never good.
People get rowled up over what they can't change.
So bash me for not caring after hearing negative stories for 10 years.
Stop watching it, problem solved.
bashing you so hard in my head right now antwan...so hard. lol
but like online bullying...close your browser, turn off your phone. disconnect from twitter. fucking interweb junkies who latch unto the world wide spier-web and then all their perceptions of the world come from fox news and BBC, then they go on a wikipedia-like tangent about change...and in the end someone replies with the ever-so-cool "too long didnt read" and ALL hope for change is lost in the thread along with the interest of all the participants. like many of these occurrences, they will be forgotten in time and burried with the rest of the "asshole dad" threads.