how many times do i have to say im not bashing? and they are analogies. once again and do you honestly go on youtube on a regular basis and look up vert skating? doubt it. me and NotedDerk have already talked and he knows where i am coming from lol. theres no need for every person to put their 2 cents in, and repeatedly put words in my mouth. the dislike comment is just saying that this is the internet, youre gonna get good and bad reviews on stuff, thats how things go. not everyone will like what you put out and if there wasnt creative criticism then nothing would progress farther than personal satisfaction. my last video my music got bashed on, i just ignored it, i didnt get 20 posts of people bashing on that person for a negative comment. just because i didnt say "awesome, i fucking love this shit" i gave my honest opinion. Noted knows what i meant by my comment and knows it isnt what you all are making 8 words into. I think we should all be a bit more productive than bickering on this post about my comment. whats said is said, he knows, i know. it doesnt effect anyone else therefore just let the debate die and just skate