Quote Originally Posted by DonVigo View Post
So, here's my story. I've been riding at the same park since 1998, and when it was built it had a big sign with all the rules on it. Amongst those rules was "no bikes." At the time, we had mad beef 'cause if a bike came in, they didn't belong there, and being a fairly small park, which at the time was a really hot spot for lack of other local parks, we didn't like the amount of space they took up on the decks and flying out. As a few years went by, the BMX'rs built a good rep with the skaters, and we started letting them in until eventually the city raised the ban. Now, we all get along just fine, as it's all mutual respect.

Though now, we have dipshit prepubes being dropped off by the retards who were barely smart enough to fuck and spawn kids on their scooters. They don't pay any attention to the people around them, don't bother to follow proper run etiquette, and just generally get in the way. I don't think it's the scooters as much as the little twerps that bug us. Seems the scooter kids are... I hate to say posers... But not there for the love of the sport. If they rode those things with the kind of passion the skaters and BMX'rs do at my park, I'm sure they'd be accepted, too.

Long story short, I have no beef with BMX'rs as they're at the park for the same reason I am and we all have mutual respect as riders in one form or another.

But, fuck scooter kids. And while I'm at it, fuck anyone who wears a "I heart Haters" t-shirt without being able to grow ballhair, or knows who OWNS DGK.
That's gonna be my new quote...jus sayin Lol Anyway...I have no problem with BMXers in general. Just like most have already said..its jus some individuals I have problems with. They always take up the minramp. Either jus by standing there while their huge hunks of metal take up 3 feet of space..or by never leaving the ramp giving others a turn. That, or they just speed around the park airing out all over the place. Or scratching all the wax off the ledges with their goddamn pegs. If you're gonna remove the wax..put it back on with some of your own. That's jus how I feel. Also, I hate little scooter kids and their parents who bring folding chairs to sit in the grass (that happens here, IDK bout where you guys are) that pisses me off too cause they get upset when someone falls and happens to say a swear word cause they got hurt or are frustrated for not landing a trick that they've been trying for a half hour. /End rant