I agree with Slamooh, it's not a matter of whether he's "too mainstream" or not...yea he might not have a particularly remarkable style/trick selection (though the bigspin hurry was bonafide jaw dropper, and that overcrooks nollie inward out which hasn't been mentioned yet)...but there is reason to get excited about the dude because he's only fuckin 16! he's already got unbelievable consistency/foundational skills at this age, imagine what he'll be doing at 25.... Sheckler and P-rod come to mind as dudes who's styles were a little dull (imo anyway) when they got in the game but who matured into really interesting skaters (and to all you Sheckler haters...yea he might have had a shitty mtv show and he might be a corporate poster boy for some whack shit or whatever, but don't deny that the dude rips)