Quote Originally Posted by unplannedman View Post
This my letter to the Editor-in-Chief of gameinformer

Hi, you don't know me. I'm just a gamer who enjoys reading your magazine. But this isn't about that. I'm part of the Skate 3 community. Now you may be thinking "Skate 3 community?" Well, let me explain that to you. It's more than just people who goof around and upload funny clips to the skate.Reel and goof off. It's group of people who have a common interest in making videos, complex graphics, and dedicated teams. While we all have lives to follow and jobs to work, this is a common hobby we all share and love to do. But EA has given up on the community, and started to focus on more "important" things like Battlefield 3 and The Sims. Don't get me wrong, those are both great titles, but I really want the reel taken care of. You see, sometime around the middle of November, the skate.Reel stopped working for Skate 3 and Skate 2. While everything works fine in-game, On the website it loads a blank screen for everything except for graphics, and for graphics, you can't send to game, it will just say "cannot retrieve in game graphics". And for Skate 2, the reel "works, you can still upload things, but when you search your name to download your clips to make a video, it says an error has occurred. Some of us have gone to customer service, but you can tell that they're just reading from a script, and don't care what's happening. The EA Skate community is very much alive. Here are some websites with proof of that fact:


And then here some videos of customer support conversations (not mine):



There are more conversations like this, you can go to customer support and try to talk to them about the problem.

This isn't letter wasn't written to complain about the problems Skate 3 and 2 are having. This letter wasn't written to tell you that after Skate 3 made enough money EA abandoned us. No. This is about how we still love this game, there are people that still play it, and we don't want it to die. If there is any way, you can get through to EA about this, please I beg of you, do it.

(P.S. I checked EA's list of games that they put the servers down for, and Skate 3 and 2 aren't on there. They have to give us a 30-day notice about that.)
So nobody cares about the letter I wrote?