What you need to do is give everything that we can do with what the game has given us. You need to send them links to the skate community websites and show that its still very much alive. Throw them everything like videos, photos, parks and graphics and show how much the community has changed through out the years and explane how EA has totaly given up on us.

Explane that they never seem to solves issues out on the ea forum, there hasn't been a blog update for ages, also no more game updates, website is down as well, the support team is just reading from a script and not actually helping us out at all and also we paid for this game and hardly any features have been working very well.

I see people still buy the game and then they get nothing from it! Its just wrong and they have conned us! Get MajorNelson involved from xbox live and get the ps3 community leader involved. We need EA to notice us! It seems like EA doesn't seem to notice us here or on the EA skate forum so I think we shud take it to the Sims Forum and Battlefeld Forum and call the new thread 'look what EA has left behind' and show everything we can offer! A game like this should never die because there is so much room for it to grow.

Sorry for the essay lad!