I've read every post so far and wrote down some notes (WITH A REAL PEN).

- You stated that real pros wouldn't be an option. I think this is wrong. I have a strong belief alot of the 'lesser' pros out there would gladly be in a skateboarding game without getting a fat paycheck. Naturally the likes of Nyjah Houston are more prone to want profit but I think there are many pros stoked and passionate enough about skateboarding to not want much or any pay. Emailing and asking doesn't cost much anyway, I'd gladly help out with some dirty work.

- Hip hop is totally fine to skate to. In my personal opinion, soundtrack is not important because people will tire of it either way. I never listened to the s3 soundtrack at all, much rather play my own music. We could save a lot of money not having any licensed music at all.

- Kinect and that shit is out of the question. It'll never work out satisfactory. TH Ride...

- Boris' post sums up my views quite good. Walking, clothing, music, customization are all secondary. It's the feeling of nailing a rad kickflip backside tailslide we're all after in the end of the day, right?

Edit: Love your enthusiasm dude, keep up the great work. It's appreciated.