I swear to god the drama that can happen in a community based around a game that had it's plug pulled over a year ago astounds me. Take a step back and realize the amount of drama being created over a fucking game.

I realize that if you put out something that you've spent a good chunk of your time and focus on, to have it put down by someone without much thought, it can be tempting to get pissed off.

Who cares?

Are you honestly going to leave Fluckit because of ONE guy, that you will probably never meet and he will have zero effect on your life? (Unless you let him) If you are, that's REALLY thickheaded. How much can some sarcastic comments on your content really piss you off?

And if I remember correctly, you can block seeing any of his posts entirely, if you can't just deal with them. I don't know how to do it, but I remember Ayreon making a video when "kgchamp"(?) was here. Guy was being a dick, so Ayreon showed how to block any of his posts for himself, not sure if it's still up. Maybe someone can help you in doing that.

And if you enjoy making content and playing the game in the way that you do, and a majority of others do to, if not even just appreciate it for what it is, why are you going let one person make you leave the last site for this franchise?

Leave or not, it doesn't affect me. I don't know why I dove into this subject this deeply, anyways.

Fuck "Farewell" posts, anyways, this one in particular.