Noticed that Alex didn't post it on here, so here's the video with its description underneath. Enjoy

Hi everyone, here's a little team video edited by Deacon, this is a vid we were supposed to drop earlier when the servers were down. Deacon and Alex filmed the members with their capture card.
AlexMCS182 filmed : Hypsies, Boxerman08, PushThatWood, Blast FTP and himself.
Deacon filmed : c3se and himself.
LoiSphere and Riverking had some clips in storage so they just filmed their own clips.
I (AlexMCS182) personaly thank Deacon for the work he did on the edit, thank you Deacon.
I hope you'll enjoy the video, ORIGAMI is still there and we have some videos coming soon.
Have a nice day and fun guys !
Don't forget to leave your feedback !