Quote Originally Posted by Ladd279 View Post
Honestly vid was kind of ehh....the only clip I liked was bridens first. Everyone elses filming needs some work(once again my opinion so don't hate like you did on everyone else).

And just some advice, when someone expressed their opinion it doesn't mean their hating on you so..maybe calm down
No man it seems like unneeded hate,

Yah the vid wasn't groundbreaking but it was good. Like most vids here these days are good. If it sucked id say so. usually vids now are generally good and watchable. Unless they are amazing at which case I would give a long post why they are amazing or could use more work to bring them to the next level. I criticize top quality vids more cause no one else will and when theres that much editing ability it need to be pushed.

as for this vid, there was nothing wrong with the edit, skating and filming where clean enough, and it was pretty good.

As for the original drama post in question, monk masked his whining about not being in the vid with a few fake "lols" that most of us seen right through.

If I got excluded from a vid id wouldn't say anything,

but yah I know I've only helped get this topic more replies and views with the argument but whatever, its a pretty good vid.