Well, i wrote this long reply, but it vanished.

As far as a musical soundtrack, i know people aren't too fond of skating to hip hop, which is why I was replying with an idea for
User generated radio stations, or the encouragment for players to use their own generated music.

The look and feel of s3 way not right. I agree. This will be addressed in a new game should it come to that.
I would like to see a skateboarding sim that simulates skating in the real world.
With a dirty, this is hard' kind of gameplay, it will be hard to do a tre flip in a real skateboard sim.
Which is going to be an idea that has to evolve. If it ever makes it to that stage.
It must, based on playability by all people who may want to pick it up. But at its core, must be a 'simulator' of real skateboarding
Which takes patience and practice. We will see.

I have this idea, i will try to explain in simple terms.
Most games have a camera system that allows for free adjustment (after)
The fact gameplay.. I'm proposing a game that uses in game camera placement.
Which will allow for a first person view, a fish eye, camera man style view while playing in real time.
This could create problems but again if we get there, this is my contribution and is not a comprimise.

Lastely, this will have to be a small game. The map will not be huge, the feel not expansive.
There cannot be professional skaters, given that I'm looking at a real budget of under
5 million. That's being generous. I don't know yet. We will have a better picture soon.
Perhaps after the first of Jan.

Keep some ideas coming. No pro skaters though, uless of course they don't mind not being paid
Until after the royalties come. Haha.