For the record, If I ever make music about drugs it's usually a past tense state of mind.
I think My perspective on the saying "YOLO" is a bit different from others..
After moving 4-5 times in the ohio area I ultimately went to highschool in a middle class area.
Not a great place but not terrible either. We had what we needed. Grocery, Plazas, Food Joints.
While I was in highschool I knew and experienced loss of life through our tightly known community.
3 Deaths Occurred before We all Graduated.
One person died in a car wreck While high on drugs, One Person Committed Suicide
and there was even one person who was murdered.
If anything it taught me to not take things for granted and to be careful.
That saying wasn't really going on until we all got out of highschool so when people started saying it
I totally understood it, I accepted it and still do.
Not a Hype thing for us at all but a Four letter Reminder.
Not to do everything and anything you can because you only live once but just to
Love what you have, Know your limits, Stay clean.
Don't get me wrong I'm not totally against drugs and I drink Occasionally but In moderation
and never while operating or in a vehicle operated by someone who is.
So if seeing is believing, Yes. Yolo might upset some.
It can have more than one meaning though, just as almost anything can.
I've opened up quite a bit here haha sorry if it's a drag to read
someone brought up life and death recently and this all kind of tied together.