Hey guys! Whoa been along time hasn't it! Sorry about that, just since the website went down really couldn't get motivated! But i had a couple days of work during the hols so thought i'd give CAP another go, to be honest working the CAP builder was quite awkward so some things might not look as clean as they have in some of my previous parks. I also ran out of space -.- but life goes on and i am quite happy with the end result! So enjoy!

So the park its self is a contained shopping area with look to skate! everything from manny pads, to sets, to gaps! Hope you like it guys!

P.S pics are off my phone so sorry for the bad quality...


In Game Download Steps:
1. Go to Online Teams
2. Team Finder then Search 'Skate Parks'
3. Find that Team.
4. Go To Team Roster
5. User's Content, then Parks
6. The park name is 'Totland Village'