Most of you may already know this, but some may not, I'm leaving for Air Force Basic Training (boot camp) in San Antonio Texas on January 7th. I'll be there for 8 1/2 weeks. During those 2 months I will not be able to connect with the outside world except on Sundays when I get one phone call, which will be to my wife. So I won't be on here or posting any content. There may be 2 videos that I will be featured in while I'm gone though, which I'll be excited to come back to and watch.

After basic training I go to Tech School in Mississippi for about 2 more months, there it is like going to college. I will have free time after class and on the weekends. So I will be back once my laptop gets sent to me. I hope you guys stay safe are still on here killing it when I get back, I've met some cool dudes on here. Peace fluckers, I'll be back!