we can have a vx party then cause i have one too all your other explains about shit just save cause i don't read it all blah flat ground skate sure man you can beat me i am old and moldy bruh i fractured my ankle pretty bad less then year ago as you think you know me so well and my skating just save that bs i started when you came out your moms pussy dude i never called you out on skateboarding mad guy shows the effect i have on you as i can go for days and will never shut up "JACKASS" its a forum this isn't your channel and this will prolly get locked so just shut it now and leave it alone cause you will never win in my eyes just a kid trying to be funny i am not trying anything or do i expect anything this is fun for me getting your reaction which it works every time farewell buddy reality I would probably knock you the fuck out for fun so if you come to cali let me know i will show you around lmoa