I'll have to try that pawn.. I usually try to use the momentum of the rewind and hold a manual.. curious though, do you tail-skid with yours?
It looks like it in some of your footage but hard to tell at certain times.. I'm trying to stay on my wheels haha

Blisk the no comply shuv underflip? haha what? do you kick it when you are landing or is it one motion or what..
I always thought those were interesting to watch I've only seen a few but I've seen people kick on their way down to land bolts and
on the way up.

Yeah I hear that nolan it's more about just getting out there because it's cold as hell around here right now
but at least it isn't raining.. being stuck inside for rain and or snow can cause some depression.. good to get out..
and when I skate It's all about me; kinda zone everything else out.