Quote Originally Posted by xxCALM KILLERxx View Post
I ride a scooter, I am 24 years old[/url]
Unless you're insanely good or making money from it, it just isn't right on a full grow adult.

Never been a fan of scootering (or whatever you call it). Haven't rode a scooter since I was about 10, and that was only the odd time. Just dont think it requires that much skill. Yes most of that video did, but I could 360 and tail whip or whatever and I hardly touched the scooter.

Most BMX and skateboarders around here are pretty cool. (I don't know about at the park, its pretty poor and full of goth/emo junkies who believe they own the place, so I haven't visited in years) Everyone has respect for each others ability and stuff, just the guys who take themselves too serious who have the problems.

I don't know if what I just said had anything to do with this thread, but there's too many words to read.