I set myself a challenge: make a park with something bright fucking yellow. Challenge accepted. Here it is, Primary Corner (Bookmark, PS3)

There's some nice rails and ledges surrounding a small tree island on a banked street.

The gap that started the park; ramp to street, over a footpath. Custom planters that let you grind in or out. Steez for days.

Or, gap from street to stairs then jump off your board and walk up to the door of Port Carverton's most mediocre restaurant, The C Shell.

Slide the rails on the outside seating area while they're still closed.

Some of the waiters are skaters and converted the trash dump area to a concrete miniramp with steel pipe coping.

Park your bike in the custom bike racks then go do some nollie varial heels up the two-stair outside a red daycare center.

Hit up the private parking lot out the back; you normally need security to open the gate, but luckily it's a fuckin' video game and security isn't going to do jack shit.

Kids gotta get their toys; toys get delivered to loading docks; if you don't know what to do with a loading dock hand in your damn skateboard license.

That's all the pictures; I used up the whole terrain meter on details most people probably won't ever see because I swear I'm the only moron who actually gets off their board and runs into walls when they play this but who cares, I did it, deal with it. Also, skate it. Deal and skate.