Quote Originally Posted by m7419 View Post
i'm 37 with a wife and kid,bills out the ass,and a full time job.i've been around skateboarding since i was 12.can't skate much in RL anymore thanks to 2 torn ACL's,so fakeskating is the next best thing.if your like me skating's in your blood,and always will be.
so to answer your question,naw man,your not too old.
^ pretty much summed it all up.
I'm 25 and I quit skateboarding in 05 after 11 years of skating.. so like m7419 said, fakeskating is the next best thing for me.

I don't think playing videos games is childs play. For me, it's like having something to do when killing time when i'm bored or something. I might even play games just to relax after a rough day, where others might read a book.