Quote Originally Posted by RastaRipss View Post
Nyjah's been one of my fav skaters ever since he first came onto the scene at 8, so i have to put in my two cents. Imo his dads guidance was the best thing that could have happend to him, and straying away from that was a mistake. His dad had nyjah skating constantly and knew who and who not to keep him around, and look at nyjahs skating today. Nyjah at 16 is one of the best skaters in the industry hands down style or no style and at the rate hes going now you can only imagine what he's going to be putting down in the future when his style fully matures. All that aside it seems Nyjah's been getting much more recognition ever since he cut his hair. To me nyjahs hair was one of the main things about him that made him stand out, I honestly couldent pick nyjah out of a crowd if i were to see him now. I understand what Marco was saying about him going mainstream, Hes just another wanna be swag skater; like another chazz ortiz (snapback hat, hype shirt, and earrings) and thats a pity to me. I know hes young and wants to do whats "cool" and all but it dosent fit him to me. I personally fucking loathe this swag movement; the music, the word, and every artist affiliated with it. Ive never been more disappointed in the kid, and he's in his prime right now but thats just how i feel. Hopefully Rise and Shine will change my outlook on him. ps Nyjahs dad isint half as bad as the skate industry makes him out to be.
that post oozed SWAG