Best Fake Skater S1 - pawnluvguitarist
Best Fake Skater S2 - Bullet
Best Fake Skater S3 - EternalRewind

Best Fake Team S1 - Hoodlum
Best Fake Team S2 - DP
Best Fake Team S3 - Psychonaut

Best Fake Solo S1 - pawnluvguitarist "A Mini Ramp Vid"
Best Fake Solo S2 - elemenopee183 "Hellbound"
Best Fake Solo S3 - Roke "Matanza"

Best Fake Full S1 - O.A.T.S. 1
Best Fake Full S2 - DP and Psychonauts "TYRANTS"
Best Fake Full S3 - Team Origami "A French Meal"

Best Fake Skater of ALL TIME - pawnluvguitarist

Best GC - Brock Pigpen Deck by Deacon
Best GC Artist - TexFreeman

Best CAP PS3 - New Hope (Old Town Tram Remix by oldskooler23/Budduh-blessed of CAP Faction)
Best CAP XBox - UG Park (by emericaridr11)
Best CAP Builder - Ohmidineffect

Best Fake Editor - Roke

Coolest Fake Skater - DonVigo

Biggest Fake Dick - Perm

For GC and CAP it sucks having to choose one since there are so many amazing people and creations in those departments.