Best Fake Skater S1 - idk really
Best Fake Skater S2 - kanen
Best Fake Skater S3 - knex, champoy

Best Fake Team S1 - trewder
Best Fake Team S2 - bks
Best Fake Team S3 - psychonaut or estate

Best Fake Solo S1 -
Best Fake Solo S2 -
Best Fake Solo S3 -

Best Fake Full S1 - stay down 4evur
Best Fake Full S2 - either abd or flashback
Best Fake Full S3 - french meal or megamyth were my faves i think

Best Fake Skater of ALL TIME - ME

Best GC - nigga shit by perm
Best GC Artist - perm or clayfighter

Best CAP PS3 - rzrfvr's the wall
Best CAP XBox - idk
Best CAP Builder - rzrfvr or buddah blessed

Best Fake Editor - robley or adam

Coolest Fake Skater - idk

Biggest Fake Dick - me