Best Fake Skater s1 -
Best Fake Skater s2 - BlastFTP/KountPherlockula
Best Fake Skater s3 - Wiltzuh/Boxerman

Best Fake team s1 - bks
Best Fake team s2 - DP/AM
Best Fake team s3 - Halcyon/Origami

Best Fake solo s1 - skate ONE from ssfripper
Best Fake solo s2 - tno&kount collab (final s2 video)
Best Fake solo s3 - Wiltzuh's Comets

Best Fake full s1 -
Best Fake full s2 - A.M./abd/flashback
Best Fake full s3 - Delaze, especially ishred and dreamer's parts

Best Fake Skater of ALL TIME - TNO

Best GC - sweet stevie's treats and a krooked board from Deacon
Best GC artist - without a doubt Deacon, MFDrawls comes in second

Best CAP ps3 -
Best CAP xbox - Wiltzuh's parliament
Best CAP builder - Riverking/wiltzuh/Boxerman

Best Fake editor - Jeanolive/Wiltzuh/PAE/Smurfedyah/Deacon

Coolest Fake skater - EVERYWAN! :3

Biggest Fake Dick -

new category: Best Fake remake s2/s3 - Jeanolive's PJ Ladd BANGIN
Best Fake remaker s2/s3 - Experienceosiris