Best Fake Skater S1 -
Best Fake Skater S2 - Kanen
Best Fake Skater S3 - Wiltz, Boxerman, Guthster

Best Fake Team S1
Best Fake Team S2 - BKS
Best Fake Team S3 - Origami

Best Fake Solo S1 - Kanens Solo
Best Fake Solo S2 - Chomps Last Solo
Best Fake Solo S3 - The Gypsy by EA Berrics ( TheGirlCompany )

Best Fake Full S1
Best Fake Full S2 - ABD by BKS
Best Fake Full S3 - A French Meal - Origami

Best Fake Skater of ALL TIME - Kanen

Best GC
Best GC Artist

Best CAP PS3
Best CAP XBox - GeneralJacks "Skate City"
Best CAP Builder - Wiltz, tnofilms, Mattyman, General Jack

Best Fake Editor - JeanOlive, Pae75, Roke

Coolest Fake Skater - Wiltzuh, he wears sun glasses in the dark, can't get any cooler than that