I can respect what Brian's saying my thing is everyone kind of left skateboarding in the 90's it was dead, and I really like nikes resurgents as far as supporting dudes most company would have left a long time ago. I mean seriously they've been supporting dudes like Gino and Danny Supa for a while, even though they haven't been doing alot over the years, and with how sketchy alot of core skate brands have been acting lately it's kind of hard to support some of the core companies anymore.

Also I don't really understand this whole " their shoes are too expensive" thing because honestly most "core" skate brands are crazy expensive. I mean all pro models cost around 80 bucks these days and just like any shoe you can find nikes for cheap.I have only paid full price for a pair of nikes twice, as apose to shoes like es where I've had to pay full price all the time because of the rarity of shoes in my size. I'm just a fan of nikes from both an aesthetic and performance stand point.